When should you hire a Minnesota Sexual Harassment Lawyer?

Minnesota Sexual Harassment Lawyer:

Do you think that you’re being sexually harassed at your workplace in Minnesota? It can be hard for you to know when to take a stand.

First of all, you should know about the two types of workplace sexual harassment.

Quid Pro Quo: In this situation, your manager or employer offers something in return for sexual favors, for instance, salary increases or promotions.

Hostile Work Environment: In this situation there is pervasive physical or verbal conduct hat is sexual.

This may include sexual jokes, gender slurs, or even inappropriate touching. This is the most common form of sexual harassment in the workplace.

What should you do if being sexually harassed at your workplace in Minnesota?
The moment you experience sexual harassment, you should notify your supervisor or HR manager and a trustworthy coworker. You should also contact an attorney.

What if there are no witnesses to prove sexual harassment?
Don’t worry. Your testimony alone counts as solid evidence of the harassment. That’s why it’s important for you to write down (in a journal or log) exactly what happened to you, so that you can remember it later. Of course, if there are witnesses or other evidence – all the better.

In this case, having a fierce Minnesota sexual harassment lawyer by your side will help in building a strong case.

To improve your odds of winning your case, you should:
1. Record or document each experience in detail;
2. Notify management by filing an internal complaint about the sexual harassment in the workplace; and
3. Collect and save any emails, texts, or other correspondence with the harasser to prove your claim;

If your employer fails to do anything about the sexual harassment, you need to contact a lawyer and file a report with the EEOC or Minnesota Department of Human Rights.

It is never too early to consult Minnesota sexual harassment lawyer. Whether you have questions about the law on sexual harassment in Minnesota or you’re not sure whether your workplace situation constitutes sexual harassment, a lawyer can help.

If you need a trusted Minnesota sexual harassment lawyer, you can rely on Madia Law. If you want to know more about Madia Law and sexual harassment in the workplace, please visit our website: https://madialaw.com/practice-areas/employment-law/sexual-harassment-minnesota/


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