When should you hire a Minnesota Sexual Harassment Lawyer?
Minnesota Sexual Harassment Lawyer: Do you think that you’re being sexually harassed at your workplace in Minnesota? It can be hard for you to know when to take a stand. First of all, you should know about the two types of workplace sexual harassment. Quid Pro Quo: In this situation, your manager or employer offers something in return for sexual favors, for instance, salary increases or promotions. Hostile Work Environment: In this situation there is pervasive physical or verbal conduct hat is sexual. This may include sexual jokes, gender slurs, or even inappropriate touching. This is the most common form of sexual harassment in the workplace. What should you do if being sexually harassed at your workplace in Minnesota? The moment you experience sexual harassment, you should notify your supervisor or HR manager and a trustworthy coworker. You should also contact an attorney. What if there are no witnesses to prove sexual harassment? Don’t worry. Your tes...