
Showing posts from June, 2018

Sexual Harassment In The Workplace – 4 Things To Know About

Possibilities are good you have heard one or two sexual harassment horror story from a family member, friend, co-worker or even an unfamiliar person online. Whether in the form of an ill-suited backrub from a chief or a vulgar comment, sexual harassment is still something a lot of women in the workplace deal with. Yes, we all hope to never go through sexual harassment at workplace, but knowing what should be done if it ever comes out is vital for getting the defense & respect you deserve. Listed here are a few crucial things you should know regarding sexual harassment in the place of work. Know the clear concept of sexual harassment: Sexual harassment does not merely include sexual act. While most of the people usually relate sexual harassment to unnecessary advances or wrong sexual remarks, it also encompasses any unfair action based on gender. If you are being given different shifts, different work or being passed over for opportunities & promotions just because...